Avoid the E-Prescribe (eRx) Penalty

If your practice sees Medicare Practice B patients, you need to get moving before june 30 in order to avoid a 2% pentalty. As part of the Electronic Prescribing (eRX) Incentive program physicians and practices are mandated by federal legislation to implement a e-prescribing solution. There is no special registration or signup process all your practice needs to do is begin using an approved eRx solution and submit 10 G-Codes by June 30th for the period January 1 2013 – June 30th 2013.

To Avoid the Penalty:

     1. Implement a E-Prescribing System
     2. Send at least 10 Electronic e-prescriptions
                                    3. File the CMS-1500 Medicare Form with G-code G8553 for 10 encounters.

You are exluded from this requirement if any of the following apply:

     1. You have already achieved Meaningful Use in 2013 and have attested before June 30, 2013.

     2. You have demonstrated intent to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Program by          registering with CMS with an EHR certification ID and have adopted certified EHR technology before June          30, 2013

     3. You are not an MD, DO, podiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, or PA.

A certified Practice Fusion Consultant such as Clienfit can help your practice implement a e-prescribe system and avoid penalties using Practice Fusion’s free EHR system. Act fast in order to avoid these penalties!

Clientfit Practice Fusion Consulting
Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program – CMS.gov